The most useful things you’ll ever want to know about your Pug!

The most useful things you’ll ever want to know about your Pug!

If you are thinking about getting a puppy; want to understand what it’s like to have a Pug in your family or want to ensure your Pug is happy and healthy, read on!

We’ve carried out research from talking to our friends and families, collated opinions from authority blogs, listened to podcasts; flicked through countless IGs and binged out on Youtube videos to bring this to you, so lets kick it off!

Are pug dogs good family pets

Pugs make great pets for both small young families living in an apartment, to large families with several kids running around the house, giving them plenty of laps to lay on!

Some key factors that make Pugs good family pets include having an even tempered, patient and chilled out manner and enjoying people’s attention by being patted and cuddled. They are pretty robust with a little rough play from young ones and they are not commonly known to bite and snap at kids or adults; also not yappy-barky dogs – your neighbours will still love you. And while you wouldn’t consider them to be your typical guard dog, Pugs can be known for being protective of their family and home.

If you don’t already have a Pug in your family, there are some things which may not make them the ideal family pet for you however. Some things you should be aware of are Pugs do have health concerns which may cause stress or even heart-ache. They don’t do so well on their own, so need people and their time and if you don’t get along with pet hair either in terms of allergic reactions or pet hair on your clothes and house in general, they may not make the best family pet for your lifestyle.

Are pug dogs aggressive

Pugs aren’t generally an aggressive or mean breed of dog and are most commonly considered to be playful, affectionate and pretty laid-back.

But each dog is unique and have their own characteristics. So Pugs that may have not been raised with positive experiences around other dogs or humans, may display signs of aggression more than others, as would any other dog breed.

This aggression may be displayed through specific actions including growling, lunging and barking at other dogs or even, people.

If your Pug is displaying aggressive behaviour the most likely cause is fear and anxiety, from the result of feeling threatened or triggered.

It’s important to realise that through the right up-bringing, training and dedication, Pugs can be helped to respond less aggressively in future situations and play nice with other dogs, cats, and children.

Are pug dogs hypoallergenic

No dogs are actually 100% hypoallergenic, and Pugs are one of the most known dog breeds to have their fur and skin getting loose, triggering reactions such as runny noses or watery to severe wheezing and rashes.

So if you or someone in your family does suffer from dog allergies, taking medical advice depending on the severity and implementing the very best grooming care as listed below, can help reduce the sensitivity:

Frequent brushing a Pugs coat, even better when done outside your home, bathing with the right unscented, hypoallergenic shampoos and soaps as well as thorough cleansing between the skin folds.

Additional ways of reducing your sensitivity is to keep a dedicated clothing outfit to wear with your Pug that does not mix with your other clothes; maintaining pet free area(s) in your home; having a pretty hardcore clearing and vacuuming regime and if appropriate, taking allergy medications.

Are pug dogs smart

Pugs have a bad rep as not being very smart or intelligent, however, in reality Pugs are actually rather smart dogs and are able to listen and react to instructions.

Sure, you may not find many Pugs carrying out ‘jobs’ such as herding sheep, taking part in a hunt or doing the nightshift patrol. But hey, that’s OK, as that not what they were originally bred for.

With the opportunity you will come to recognise the real skills and intelligence of Pugs’ as they flex their smarts in things such as:

– given the right motivation Pugs are adept to being potty trained and house trained to follow commands and instructions such as wait, stay, outside, down, bed, leave it or sit.
– while you might notice a Pug giving attention to everyone making them think everyone is their friend they will have a favourite person;
– they will find their way to make you play with them and give in to their whims!

While studies such as the Fair Working/Obedience Intelligence for Canines chart rank the smartest dog breed as the Border Collie and the Pug as #57 (out of 79), and whilst book – The Intelligence of Dogs (1994) on dog by Stanley Coren, ranks Pugs as #108 (out of 138) our opinion is Pugs – while not the smartest are smart enough!